●The SonicMole Repeller use of sound waves to repelmoles. By emitting sound waves, the SonicMole Repeller drivesmoles away very effectively without harming them. The sound waves will irritate them, simulating danger, and repels them away from the irradiated area.
●The SonicMole Repeller work as follows: play the sound wave for 3 seconds every 50 seconds, 24 hours work.
●The SonicMole Repeller is effective within an area of 625 square meters. It radiates in all directions. Avoid any solid obstruction that prevents the sound waves from emitting freely. To make the best use of the unit, we strongly recommend installation of 2 units at 30 meter intervals for effective control especially in areas frequented bymoles.
Please note:
First, check the ground surface before using it. Frozen soil, irrigated or waterlogged ground is not suitable. Dig a hole in the ground to insert the device. The density of the soil will greatly affect the effectiveness of the device. The more solid the earth, the better the device will function.
WARNING! No hammers should ever be used in the installation process.
To prevent damage to the device, no excessive force should be applied when installing the repeller.